The Launch Of Infinite Insights - Leo's Blog!

Word count:1042

hey this is Leo for actualised org and today I'm excited to announce the launch of actualized org insights what this is is basically my blog where I post quick little snippets of insights that I have throughout the week these are less formal than my standard weekly episodes and videos they are not in a video format they're specifically in a text format so that they're quick to write and also because the text format allows me to do some things that I can't quite do this video so that's out now you can go check it out it's at actualized org slash insight and there's going to be a link down below and you can also find it a link to it on the actualized org home page so this is of course in addition to the weekly episodes that I do with videos so those will still keep coming out and that's fine but see there's a difference the reason that I had this idea for the insights blog is because I have a ton of insights that I'm not able to share with you which frustrates me because I'm reading I'm researching and meditating I'm doing all sorts of stuff throughout my week and I'm having all these interesting and profound insights about life and about philosophy and epistemology and spirituality and personal development and life purpose and so forth but a lot of these insights are just like little ones that don't warrant a giant video and I only get to shoot 52 videos a year so I have to be pretty selective about my topics and also in the videos I have to be pretty methodical to explain everything because that's kind of my style I like to explain stuff in depth so videos tend to be a pretty big time commitment and pretty big energy investment for me but then there's all these other miscellaneous insights and I of course keep notes on those but then I wanted to like share them with people so I'm tired of sitting on a big backlog of notes so what I'm doing is I'm going to be posting a lot of my notes on this blog and you can take those and use them for your own inquiry and for your own development so there are some benefits to having this blog because first of all it's in a text form which means that I can post pictures there I can post links and stuff that are a little bit harder to do with video and also I get to practice writing and the writing format is giving me more flexibility to express myself because I get to not just kind of come up here and talk my mouth off but I actually get to be a little bit more precise with wording in the language that I use which can be good and also the blog posts are designed to be very short and sort of half-baked they're not as comprehensive as the videos their purpose is to just be me throwing out their seeds of thought for you you could take those seeds and run with them and just see what happens and that might be better for some of you who are a little bit more onion seeit like intermediate or advanced stages of this work and you don't need all the methodical explanations but you still want the motivation and you still want those nuggets of wisdom that you can use then you can make them your own and then you can go and apply them and think about them philosophize about them so that's what's going to be on this blog also I'm going to be more Liberty to be philosophical and speculative on this blog because when I'm shooting these regular weekly episodes I have to be pretty practical so that people can follow along and they don't get confused they don't get lost and so they also get benefits from it so they don't think that personal development is just a idle philosophy but in this blog I'm going to be more philosophical there's gonna be more discussion about epistemology or abstract topics from non-duality and spirituality and so forth and of course some very practical things will be there as well so I already have 15 posts up there go ahead and check it out that's what you've got for this week as far as content goes and let me know what you think is it working for you if so I'm going to keep doing it I'm pretty excited about the possibilities because there's so many fascinating aspects of personal development that I'm just not able to share through the videos and I've been sort of silently suffering for the last couple years holding a lot of this information in because I love sharing it and so I love now having the idea of having this outlet where I can just post stuff on the fly yes the idea is older more half-baked and sketchy but actually I do that as a positive so this is some exclusive content that you're not going to find anywhere but on actualize org and going forward in the future I have some other ideas about exclusive content non YouTube content that you can find only on actualize that I'll be releasing and putting out there so that you have reason to come to the site and you know for those people who are taking the work a little bit more seriously it's just another another way to engage with personal development that's it go check it out I deliberately didn't put a comments section under the different posts because I wanted them to be short concise and kind of concentrated information without all the distraction of having discussions and people criticizing and debating back and forth if you want to do that then you can do that on actualised org the forum or you can do that in the video comments section all right so I'm excited about that go check it out leave me your comments and I'll be back next week with the regular weekly episodes you